Thursday, April 15, 2010

WordPress RSS Feed Widget: Links in New Window

I saw a lot of people ask this question in various forums with little to no assistance from the community at large. The majority of the responses told people to install a different widget called "Better RSS Widget" - That's all fine and nice, but no one had an actual solution to the question of "How do I edit the default rss widget in wordpress?" Here's my solution (as of WP 2.9.2):

  1. Open default-widgets.php
  2. Look around line 842 for a line that contains the list item <li> for the link in the widget. I found mine by searching for the string: class="rsswidget"
  3. Add to this link: target='_blank'

If the above instructions don't make sense to you, then you should probably save yourself the headache and just install the "Better RSS Widget". I have no idea if newer versions of WP are going to break this fix, so you're on your own. I suppose I'll be installing the "Better RSS Widget" as well if a WP update breaks this functionality.

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