Friday, April 22, 2011

Firefox 4 does not prompt to save tabs on exit

The solution that worked for me was to set the configuration flag in about:config to:
  • > browser.showQuitWarning to true

There are several popular solutions to this issue that did not work for me. Some that I came across while researching this issue:

Coldfusion Dynamic File Path Code

There are plenty of sites out there with this exact code and I use it in almost every site I've written, but I'll remember where it is if I post it here.


Watch your slashes for different OS's.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Prevent Cisco AnyConnect client from starting at boot in Windows 7

A recent upgrade to the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client causes the anyconnect client to load at windows startup. This is a pain in the ass since I'm not always going to connect to my VPN when I start windows. Thanks for taking the MS approach on this one Cisco. Thanks also for not providing a simple way to turn this off via the UI. To prevent this client from loading at boot:

start -> type: msconfig.exe
click the tab "startup"
uncheck "Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client"
click "ok"
click "exit without restart"