Sunday, December 6, 2009

Disney PhotoPass Hack: Low-Res

This only gets you the low-res version of the image. Get 'em before they change the API:

1) Login to your Disney PhotoPass account.
2) Select the gallery you want to view
3) Click a photo you'd like to save
4) In the url, you'll see an argument passed called imageId=
5) Copy the imageId value and paste it into the url:
Alternately, you can also use the URL:

If you're feeling extra sassy, you can add an additional argument to the url to see a slightly larger version: aspectRatio=EightByTen

Only really useful for grabbing the 1 in 20 photos these trained monkeys with expensive cameras are capable of taking. Even a blind squirrel gets lucky sometimes and finds an acorn.

For more advanced users, there's a slightly easier way. Using the "Web Developer" plugin for FF, you can do the following:

1) From the gallery page: Tools » Web Developer » Images » View Image Information
2) When this loads, scroll until you find the small thumbs of your pictures.
3) Click the links and then remove the argument: &width=